Project Data: Wireless Water Level Indicator Without Microcontroller (Using 434MHz RF Module and HT12E, HT12D)

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Project data includes:

  1. Autodesk Eagle schematic(Circuit) and board(PCB) files which can be easily edited as per your requirements in autodesk eagle software.
  2. Circuit and PCB image files which helps in testing circuit on breadboard and PCB image file will be very useful in identifying components to be placed at different positions. PCB image file with dimensions (in mm) can be used for PCB Etching at home using Ferric Chloride, otherwise you can Generate Gerber And Drill Files From Autodesk Eagle to get you PCB manufactured from PCB manufacturer. What are Gerber and Drill Files ?
  3. Component list.
  4. Transmitter and receiver gerber and drill files.
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Wireless water level indicator project using the RF434MHz module with HT12E and HT12D is a wireless system that monitors and communicates water levels. The HT12E encoder converts the water level signal into a data format that the RF434MHz transmitter module can send wirelessly. At the receiving end, the RF434MHz receiver module captures the signal and the HT12D decoder interprets it to provide a visual indication of the water level status. This setup is ideal for remote monitoring and controlling water levels in tanks to prevent overflow and wastage.

1 review for Project Data: Wireless Water Level Indicator Without Microcontroller (Using 434MHz RF Module and HT12E, HT12D)


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